Healthy Diet Tips with Yogurt
Yogurt is safely consumed daily, and can help your diet program. The trick is to consume it twice a day, as the main menu and snack in between meals. Eat yogurt at breakfast or dinner, with by measure 200 milligrams per meal. Then eat one more time as a snack every day, with the same by measure.
This means that in one day, we recommend the consumption of 400 milligrams of yogurt. Free to choose of its kind. Can be frozen yogurt or yogurt liquid. Any flavors and varieties of yogurt, is safely edible for your diet menu, twice a day.
Yogurt is good for those who are living on a diet. Notably, since yogurt make healthy digestion. For diet programs, it is advisable to consume yogurt at breakfast. However, this option should be tempered by those who do not suffer from acute ulcer. People with acute ulcer are recommended against eating yogurt for breakfast, but replace the meals of yogurt in the evening and as a snack.
More details, the following menu diet with yogurt: